Flint guide

Flint wall types and flinting techniques

Ever since Roman times flint has been an important building material in the south east of England. Flint work is one of the key features in the distinctive appearance of the villages and towns of Sussex.

In Saxon churches, medieval cathedrals, Norman castles, Tudor farmhouses and Edwardian garden walls this durable local stone has been used in a remarkable variety of ways.

Craftsmen through the centuries have been creative in their use of flint to leave a rich heritage of different styles of flint work many of which require great skill and technique. Our gallery shows a selection of them.

Choosing the right finish

Field flint coursed

Laying field flint in courses is a classic way of building flint garden walls and country style houses. It links in well with brick details and creates a great backdrop for planting.

Flint squares knapped

The technique and patience required to produce these knapped flint squares dictates that they are mainly used on high status buildings and design projects.

Flint roughly squared

Roughly squared knapped flints laid coursed with bands of brick are more cost effective than tight squares and less time consuming to produce.

Flint knapped random

Flints knapped to expose the black inner core, laid randomly and tight. We source high quality flints and knap them on site to ensure that we can create this classic look.

Flint knapped coursed

Flints knapped and laid in courses creates the dark knapped flint look with a sense of order.

Cobbles random

Tightly laid cobbles in a random formation.

Cobbles coursed

This way of using cobbles creates a neat ordered look. Often set in struck lime mortar it is common in many south coast towns.

Cobbles knapped and coursed

Cobbles knapped and laid in courses, set in brick.

Flint brick and stone Bungaroosh

This warm blend of materials is a way of utilizing lots of different types of masonry in the same wall. Mixes of flint brick and stone can be laid randomly or in patterns to create many different variations.

Field flint random

Field flint laid randomly accentuates the organic shapes and colours in flint. Framed with bricks it creates a textually rich finish.

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