News from the Flint Wall Co
Flint wall repair
The Flint Wall Company has undertaken many new build flint projects, often involved in the process from the design process onwards...
Flint wall, restoration, repair
Mortar trends
Despite a current trend back towards the use of lime many people are still wary of it and opt for what is perceived as the safe option of using a cementitious mortar. This is invariably a poor choice for any historic building for a number of reasons...
Mortar, cement, lime
Crack repair specialists
In addition to our flint wall repair and new build services the flint wall company also undertakes structural crack repair...
Structural, cracks, repair, restoration
Rare finds
Anyone who has spent part of their working life digging or renovating old buildings will be familiar with an idle daydream. It’s a kind of ‘what if’ thought similar to those hopeful moments before checking your lottery ticket...
Flint history, heritage, neolithic flint
Amberley Museum
Time and enthusiasm for one's subject are perhaps the two things most important to the development of any craft. At the flint wall company we like to think that we have both. We take any chance we can, to enthuse about our subject...
Flinting, event, QandA
Surrey flint
Much of our work is based around the villages and towns of the South Downs and Sussex weald, although we also travel further afield, embarking in stone and flint projects in counties such as Surrey and Kent and beyond...
Restoration, repair, flint repointing
Sussex swoops
Artists such as Ravilious have been inspired by the gentle curves of the South Downs. Treeless chalk hills and valleys have distinctive contours, stark in winter under heavy rain-laden skies or enriched by the crops of the coming harvest in late summer. Interestingly the local flint brick and stone Waller’s have also developed a way of reflecting these distinctively shaped hills in their work...
South downs, flint wall techniques, swoops
Viva Lewes
Building flint walls in Surrey, photo shoots in Rodmell, interviews with Viva Lewes, it’s all in a week's work for The Flintwall Company...
Press, Viva Lewes
Brick repointing
Depending on the building's status, flint work will be framed in masonry of one kind or another...
Restoration, repair, flint repointing
Brighton bungaroosh
Putting up a picture in most parts of the country requires a keen eye and a couple of deft taps with a hammer. It's easy. In Brighton however things are a little different...
Bungaroosh, flint wall, techniques
Where do flints come from?
Flints are formed in chalk and some flints remain within the chalk beds today and can be sourced directly from quarries. Other flints have been released from the chalk cliffs by the action of the sea and then rounded to form cobbles....
Flint knowledge, geology
English Heritage budget cut by 30%
It has been reported that the English Heritage budget has been slashed by 30%. A challenging time ahead looms over the organisation...
Preserving our Heritage